Cornelia's life was marked by personal misfortune. She survived her father, her husband and almost all of their children. Mother of the Gracchi called Cornelia fought and defended the political reformers Tiberius and Gaius held in a Rome steeped in an economic crisis where hunger was taking a multitude of citizens.
His bravery earned him the recognition of the Roman aristocracy. The first statue in public was a Roman woman was his.
A patrician lineage
Cornelia was the daughter of the famous general Scipio Africanus, the victor at the Battle of Zama against Hannibal during the Second Punic War, and Paula Emilia.
Shortly after the death of his father, married Cornelia consul Tiberius Gracchus. Despite having 12 children, had to see how just reached adulthood Sempronia, Tiberius and Gaius. In 155 BC, the death of her husband, decided to concentrate solely on educating their children. Cornelia was in charge of providing a good education based on respect for family traditions but also adapted emerging trends incorporating the formation of Greek culture 1.
Cornelia rejected several marriage proposals of important men of the empire. He even declined an offer from the Egyptian king Ptolemy VIII.
" Here are my jewels"
educated and intelligent woman, taught his children a love for the next entering them in the humanistic ideas helenísiticas who advocated support for the popular classes . In the ostentation other aristocratic ladies of the class made her jewels, Cornelia showed their children with pride Here are my jewels.
Mother of the Gracchi
Cornelia was known as the "mother of the Gracchi" especially during the riots that led to reforms that their children wanted to be held in the Roman Senate .
In 134 BC Tiberius Gracchus was elected tribune of the people, a position that allowed introducing bills. Despite taking office with the support of the Senate, his land reform proposals soon put Senate to the upper classes against him. A year later, the smear campaign against Tiberius Senate led to his murder.
Ten years later, in 124 BC, his brother Gaius succeeded Tiberius the same position. Key continued the reformist line of his brother but his end was more dramatic. Seeing all his followers were killed, Key decided to commit suicide to avoid being taken prisoner by his enemies.
During the years of struggle for their children, Cornelia like a lioness defending their cause and worked to gain supporters.
intellectual Retirement
Missing most of the members of his family, Cornelia decided to retire to live in a remote villa in Rome where he studied Greek, Latin and philosophy. Become the symbol of the Roman matron, wife and mother, the mother of the Gracchi was an exquisite hospitality educated men and women who admired his courage.
The first statue
Cornelia had the honor of seeing his statue was erected in the Roman Forum. It was the first time that this privilege was a woman. In the section of the base reads: Cornelia, daughter of African and mother of the Gracchi.
1. History universal. Old age. Rome. Mangas July
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