Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hives Can Be A Sign Of

The king rose, Rosamund Clifford (1150-1176)

Bella, a young and educated, Rosamund Clifford was one of the most famous lovers of King Henry II Plantagenet. With little actual data on the true story, the rival of the great Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine fed a large number of legends. Some praised calling the The beautiful Rosamond or La Rosa world. His detractors came to naming La Rosa unclean.

Rosamunda Sources
is unknown the exact date of birth of Rosamond though not probable that he was born before 1150. His parents, Walter de Clifford and Margaret Isobel of Tosny were the owners of the castle of Clifford on the banks of the River Wye on the border with Wales. Rosamond had two sisters and three brothers.

La joven dama habría visto por primera vez al rey Enrique en 1165 durante una de sus campañas en esa zona de sus dominios.

Amante del rey
Cuando Rosamunda se convirtió en amante del rey Enrique, la reina Leonor estaba embarazada de su último hijo, quien se convertiría en Juan I de Inglaterra, conocido como Juan Sin Tierra. A pesar de esperar un hijo del rey, la pareja hacía tiempo que se había distanciado.

En 1173, tras la rebelión de Leonor y sus hijos contra Enrique, el rey se reconcilió con sus vástagos pero no tuvo pity for his wife who hid herself for 15 years.

The threat of Rosamond
Queen Leonor, before and during their captivity was threatened its position as there was a likelihood that her husband asked for the annulment of their marriage claiming consanguinity. The danger, however, was mitigated by the Pope's defense to the cause of Leonor. The Holy See has resisted a possible separation of the couple, something forbidden by church law.

On the other hand, the romance between Henry and Rosamund was short lived. In 1176, the young lover became ill and retired Godstow the monastery where he died the same year.

Although Rosamond Clifford was erected as a real threat to Eleanor of Aquitaine, the stories about a possible poisoning of the mistress by the queen are unfounded.

Forgotten by the King, remembered by history
Enrique soon took refuge in the arms of another woman to forget the love of Rosamond. Next on his list of lovers was the bride of his son, Aelis of France, who was married to Richard the Lionheart.

Heart Exiled King, Rosamond was the subject of literary and artistic representations that made his life a true romantic love story. Illegitimate children, murder, poisoning, fed stories extolling the figure of the lovers in the tradition of courtly love.

Even his final resting place was the subject of a bizarre story. Buried in the church of the monastery of Godstow in which he had entered shortly before his death, Hugh of Lincoln Obipo, seeing the large number of flowers and affection that he professed to missing girl, ordered her remains were deposited outside the church, it was a bad example for women.


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