The morning of July 17, 1918, the Russian imperial family, the deposed Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra and their five children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexis zarevic down to a dark basement house where they were held in Yekaterinburg. In Cold Blood were shot by the Bolsheviks along with some faithful servants. Ending 300 years of Romanov rule. A few months before Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. For a time they were held in his palace at Tsarskoe Selo in St. Petersburg, to be subsequently transferred to the icy city of Tobolsk, in Siberia. Their final destination would be the city of Yekaterinburg, where they remained at home until his death Ipatiev.
The brutal murder was one of the most dramatic episodes of the Russian Revolution began in 1917 with the lifting of a people drowned by hunger, disease and exploitation in factories. At first, after the abdication of the tsar's family was confined only imperial but the threat of so-called White , loyal to the former regime dropped, released to Nicholas II or a presumed leak of the entire family, accelerated the terrible outcome.
Between 1991 and 2007 were found the remains of the imperial family in a forest near Yekaterinburg. DNA tests were able to identify them all.
After the fall of the USSR, some of these remains were buried in the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in St. Petersburg. The Orthodox Church canonized in 2000.
Olga Nikolaevna Romanova (1895-1918)
The Grand Duchess Olga was the eldest of the family. Born in St. Petersburg on November 16, 1895 and his short life was quiet, getting a good education and preparing for a good marriage bond. There were several candidates, including the future king of Romania. But the outbreak of the Revolution nullified any chance.
Olga, and their three other sisters, lived in a little akin to the rank of grand duchesses. Their mother forced austerity imposed a life to sleep on hard beds and collect their belongings themselves.
Ólishka as it was known cariñoramente in his home, died minutes after the other members of his family, hugging Tatiana. The first round of shots did not end with their lives but the gunmen under the command of the forces of the Bolshevik secret police led by Yakov Yurovsky took care of did not survive.
Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova (1897-1918)
Tatiana was the second daughter of the czars. Born in Peterhof on 29 May 1897. Considered the most elegant of all the sisters, Tania was the most physically resembled his mother. Lover of parties and away from large concerns, Tatiana was smart and excelled in all those who went dancing.
Like her sister Olga, Tatiana worked as a nurse in hospitals in St. Petersburg during the First World War.
died hugging her older sister Olga which was very close throughout his short life. He was 21.
Maria Nikolaevna Romanova (1899-1918)
The third daughter was born the czars in St. Petersburg on June 26, 1899. The small blue eyes always had a special affection towards his father who tried to never separate. Excluded from the close union of his older sisters, Mary find her little sister Anastasia in a good playmate. In the court received the nickname "Little partner" in contraposión to "older couple" formed by Olga and Tatiana.
Mary was not a girl he liked the study but pointed out the paint.
the outbreak of the First World War, Maria was 15 so could not join the Red Cross as a nurse like her older sisters. But their desire to help led her to visit and comfort the wounded in the hand of his sister Anastasia.
Duchess She lived her youth in love with an army officer father, named Nikolai Dmitrievich Demenkov he met on a trip to Romania and did not see that anymore.
Cheerful and confident, Mary held out hope until the last day of their lives to flee with his family Russia and start a new life, get married and have kids. Hopes that were never fulfilled.
Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova (1901-1918)
Anastasia was the last of the daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra. After having four girls, born early the desired heir, Alexis, who, unfortunately born with the terrible disease of hemophilia.
The last Grand Duchess was born on June 18, 1901 in Peterhof without much joy around her. It was the fourth daughter of the Tsar and their desires truncated again a male heir.
Despite a weak physique and poor health, Anastasia was a happy, intelligent, enjoyed especially their hours of study.
Anastasia's name remained above the other members of his family throughout the twentieth century. A Survivor alleged assassination Anastasia who had taken the name of Anna Anderson shocked the world by ensuring that it was the very daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. According to his version, had posed as dead to escape her captors.
Anna Anderson As many duchesses alleged attempted recover the old glory of the Russian czars, but the discovery of their bodies and subsequent DNA tests destroyed any hope of resurrecting the empire disappeared.
If you want to read about them
Genre: Historical fiction
The author of the book changes the tragic end of Tatiana to be her first person who explained to us his life in St. Petersburg. A beautiful recreation of the last days of the Russian Empire
Genre: Historical fiction
This Anastasia and Alexis case are those who survive an assassination.
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