Flegias, the most warlike of the Greeks, went to the Peloponnesus with his daughter Coronis. His father is hiding her pregnancy, the result of her affair with the god Apolo.Cuando mother was the child put it in the bush or Mirti Titi.
says Pausanias in his Description of Greece that a shepherd named Arestanas I miss your dog and one of his goats. He sought and found with a child. The goat gave her milk and hot dogs. It was so beautiful that entered the child wishes to take it over when he discovered that it came a glow appeared that was divine. Soon spread throughout Greece, the news that a child healed the sick and raised the dead.
Child's Name Asclepius and was soon was regarded by the Greeks the god of medicine.
says Pausanias in his Description of Greece that a shepherd named Arestanas I miss your dog and one of his goats. He sought and found with a child. The goat gave her milk and hot dogs. It was so beautiful that entered the child wishes to take it over when he discovered that it came a glow appeared that was divine. Soon spread throughout Greece, the news that a child healed the sick and raised the dead.
Child's Name Asclepius and was soon was regarded by the Greeks the god of medicine.
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