Sor Isabel de Villena, Clarisse XV century, is considered one of the first-language writers Valencia. Bastard relative of the high cradle of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon, Sister Elizabeth knew how to write a life of Christ nearby human and far from orthodox conventions.
Origins bastards
Elionor Manuel de Villena was his real name. There Born in Valencia in 1430 of the affairs of the Marquis Henry de Villena and Vega (1384-1434) with a woman he does not know his name. His father was a poet belonging to the nobility and was related to the royal houses of Castile and Aragon. He was the grandson of Enrique de Castilla, illegitimate son of Princess Juana, uncle of Mary Queen of Castile, who later would welcome in his court to his daughter. Enrique de Villena was also a descendant of James II, and Peter of Aragon.
With only four years, Elionor bereft of father and possibly mother and was received at the court of Queen Mary, her cousin and wife Alfonso the Magnanimous of Aragon in his palace at Valencia. Its status as a bastard of the royal house of Trastámara was no problem for the queen, who did not have children, care for small and instruct like a real princess. So the girl grew up getting a good intellectual and religious education.
De Leonor Isabel
When he was 15, in 1445, voluntarily entered the convent of the Holy Trinity of the Poor Clares of Valencia, founded by Queen Mary some time before. Then changed its name to Isabel. Sor Isabel de Villena lived a deeply pious life behind the walls of the convent. Confined like Clarisse, Sister Isabel continued its close relationship with the Queen Mary, who, in the construction of the monastery had provided a private space within the convent to spend their hours more as a religious retreat.
In 1463 she was appointed abbess, a position which would serve for the remainder of his life with great efficiency and accountability. Not only was concerned to complete the work of the convent had built for his cousin, Queen Mary, but struggled to return to the piety and spiritual richness of the community according to the standards set by Santa Clara .
A Life of Christ different
addition to his religious fervor and his life as abbess of the convent life, Isabel was a cultured and intelligent woman who spent part of his time reading and writing. We know who wrote several plays but only one has reached us Vita Christi a bit special. In addition to being recognized as the first writer of the letters Valencia for this work, Elizabeth was recognized by some writers of the time.
The Life of Christ Isabel de Villena not only exceptional for being written by a woman, but also be designed for illiterate women and nuns who came to the convent of the Holy Trinity. Aware of the lack of knowledge of many of these devout women, his work provides a more human and closer to the sacred history. Also focuses on women that surrounded the life of Christ. Santa Ana, the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene is presented as women, grandmothers, mothers, living the life of Christ as women having normal, human feelings. This works exceptionally well to emphasize these female characters, was based on apocryphal texts and other unorthodox of sacred texts.
His work not only had success with the faithful and sisters of the convent, but had the acceptance of many male writers and intellectuals. Not for nothing is considered an indispensable work of the Golden Age Valencia. The Life of Christ Isabel de Villena was published in 1497 by its successor, the abbess Sister Montsoriu Aldonça.
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