Saturday, December 5, 2009

Triple Pelvic Osteotomy Small Dog

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Headache Shooting Pains In Right Arm


dignity and rights.

Given the dereliction of duties by our Ministry and the feeling of abandonment that is rife in our group, the Association of Armed Forces NCO, ASFAS declares its concentration support organized by the Unified Association of English Military (AUME) for December 13 in Madrid , and encourages all NCOs and their families to attend the meeting to highlight not only our opposition to the law of the military, but also the contempt with which we treated by our government.

It has been almost two years since the entry into force of Law 39/2007, during this time has been more than demonstrated that their application has been a most harmful decisions that any government has taken over our democracy and the serious consequences appear to have been sufficiently evaluated by the Ministry of Defence. English Armed Forces are facing the greatest crisis of morale among its members in recent history.
ranks are enduring the effects law unequally, depending on your situation and level of origin, but are NCOs who are suffering more severely shocked not only the burden of this law, and harmful in itself, but the consequences of 30 years personnel policies especially bloody for us, and finished with a law that seems to be made with the intent to overwhelm their capacity for suffering.
time force of 39/2007 has been for us a period full of instances, resources, charts and a host of initiatives to make us see and hear in the media, by governments, by citizens, society Finally, to show the immense legal nonsense and great injustice has been perpetrated under cover of our enforced silence. It was an intense time in letters and words to mislead the unbelievers, to restore our faith to ourselves, to show that you should never lose their dignity while trying arrancárnosla thousand times.
However, all manifestations of the Defense Ministry officials insist, to our astonishment, that "nothing happens here, that the problems of the NCOs have been resolved and that peace reigns among the members of English Armed Forces. Lies that try to hide from public opinion and other political forces in the dramatic situation experienced by NCOs.
Internal promotion still exist, without specifying career profile, the issue of outstanding promotions for both personal assets and retiree medical fitness for any loss, continue to claim the three-yearly arbitrarily functions each job without defining, conducting services on the basis of jobs and ages without limit ... .... Not one of the wrongs and outrages committed against us in the last thirty years has been solved, it's not even been taken into account the repair of any of them.
This concentration has all the legal congratulations for its realization, on the other hand, any soldier who decides to attend it will have every right to do to be protected by law and therefore infringe those laws that intimidate, restrict or threaten to retaliate to potential attendees.

Concentration will be held on December 13, at 12, Calle Pedro Teixeira, Madrid.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What Are Decomposers?

The newborn NCO Association criticizes the Military Career Law
EFE - 07/11/2009 18: 34

Madrid, November 7 (EFE) .- The Association of Non-commissioned armed forces constituted just moved to Congress criticizing the Military Career Law, which is "the icing on a cake and bitter" by the "many negative incidents" that military personnel laws have resulted in this group.

This is evidenced by the president of this association, Pedro Amador, in the letter that was sent to the chairman of the Defense Committee of Congress, Ciprian Ciscar.

At the same will move a proposal that non-commissioned officers of the three hosts aim to "give impetus and content to the low standard" of them "makes the Military Career Law."

The allusions of the Act to empower the scale and it is defined as "the backbone of the armies", added to the plans outlined in the Senate Defense recently not "a proposal defined" about its future, the statement added.

ASFAS President stated in his letter that with the creation of this association intends, "from the legal framework, and get excited, lost prestige and rights stolen by the different personal laws "as a result of" neglect that the state has made in defending "the interests of this group. EFE aam / fv

Friday, October 23, 2009

Saying For 18 Year Old

Undersecretary of Defense denied the massive influx of claims for the implementation of the Law on Military Career.

At the hearing before the Defense Committee in the Senate on October 22, 2009.

In the following operation in the Defence Committee by the Deputy Speaker of the PP in the Committee of Defense Juan Jose Imbroda Ortiz:

Defense Undersecretary Maria Victoria San José Villaco, answer the following:


The MoD maintains that are not reaching a large number of complaints and claims, Ms. Secretary, speaking of individual resources to the integration of scales (of course individual Secretary Ms, you have in mind that you are now in Defense) said that receive the usual number when opening the times evaluation.

statements have no waste, it is worth listening altogether. _________________________________

Deputy Speaker of the PP in the Committee of Defense Juan Jose Imbroda Ortiz. Senator

Melilla from the day March 9, 2008. POPULAR
MELILLA Born in the June 24, 1944.
Casado. Two daughters and two sons. Training
electoral laying in the elections: POPULAR PARTY
Member of the Permanent Deputation

Defense Undersecretary Maria Victoria San José Villacarlos.

born in Valladolid on August 23, 1958, graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid.

civil servants, belonging to the Inspectorate of Labour and Social Security.

San Jose has been Inspector of Labour and Social Security and head of the Provincial in La Rioja (1982-87), the provincial head of Labour and Social Security in Guadalajara (1987-88), director of the Office of the Deputy Ministry of Interior (1988-94), deputy chief the Office of the Director General of the Guardia Civil (1994-96), labor inspector in the Provincial de Madrid (1996-2004).

General Technical Secretary of the Interior Ministry from April 2004 to April 2006 she was appointed Technical General Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.

The April 21, 2007, was today appointed to the office.

published personal data have been obtained from the website of the Ministry of Defence and Senate of Spain

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shower Before Or After Waxing

A report by the Army recognizes the right of soldiers to join "associations protest"

ensures, however, that "professional associations" are not recognized "in the field of the Armed Forces


A report by the Legal Department of the Headquarters of the Army recognizes the right of the military to be part of "vindictive associations" that do not cover up "a activity sindical o parasindical" y mantiene que el hecho de pertenecer a uno de estos colectivos como miembro o cargo directivo "no puede ser objeto de sanción".

El documento, avanzado hoy por el diario El Mundo y publicado este lunes en su web por la Asociación Unificada de Militares Españoles (AUME), analiza la legislación que regula el derecho de asociación de los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas y llega a la conclusión de que la Constitución, la Ley Orgánica Reguladora del Derecho de Asociación, las Reales Ordenanzas y la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional no excluyen a los militares de "el derecho de asociarse en asociaciones reivindicativas, en tanto no encubran una actividad sindical or parasindical.

Submitted on 4 August to the Operations Division of the General Staff of the Army, the report notes that "every soldier can freely join an association registered in the registers of national and autoonómicos associations and assume leadership roles and representative thereof. "

also says that the fact that an association may have" a component in their statutes protest "does not make unlawful the military involvement in that group and stresses that what they have banned members of the Armed Forces is part of unions, "not to be confused with associations.


note that membership of a member or office manager of an association can not be overturned, "the text to emphasize that" no military "can rely on their partnership" to avoid the application of criminal and disciplinary rules. "

Finally, the document of six pages in length, recalls that" professional associations "are not" recognized "in" the scope of the Armed Forces and those in currently associated with the military can not "enforce" their "condition" because there is no specific law that recognizes them.

therefore maintains that "no authority or control" has the "legal obligation" to give "special and differential treatment" for these military groups, who can not meet in barracks or military installations or "inform the public" within the Forces military.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pregnancy Test With Dots

has formed the Association of Non-commissioned armed forces. Pedro Amador, its president, sent a letter.

From here, support unconditionally to the Association, knowing that their activities will facilitate improvement of the conditions of our community.

We are in luck. A hug.

formal establishment of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces


Is Born, Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces. Entered in the National Registry of Associations: Group: 1 / Section: 1 / N ° National: 593330; with NIF: G43994540

believe we needed a reference, a place to go when requesting information on certain topics. From this need arose a page, which originally was intended to NCOs Earth. (

in its development, we have participated in the three Army NCOs, and this collaboration came the idea of \u200b\u200bASFAS and a new page ( ) plus various initiatives that many already know.


not born as a counterpoint to any association, platform, web, forum, etc. but responds to the need to get a point for the NCO, where we can share concerns, raise needs, identify gaps, propose solutions and get back above encouragement for the future, avoiding the demoralization that spreads in our community.

Our main aim is to put the officer in the rightful place. Promote the prestige of this figure both in the Armed Forces, and the rest of society. Finally, finally, with the figure of Sergeant Arencibia "as associated with our scale and we have done so much damage.

An association can be what its members want. There is an entity that after paying a fee, will solve our problems, but he who thinks this is better to abandon the idea. It is essential for financial and staff of all according to their possibilities. The association can arrange all the partners to propose, you can report anything that they bring, can coordinate our movements but not least, who has to move us.

course, and is fundamental so, we must demand and comply with the law. This is a principle that has moved, and move ASFAS. At this point it is necessary to substantiate the right of association of the military is perfectly legal and legitimate under Constitutional Court of October 31, 2001, states that the military has the right to associate in partnerships protest , while not disguised trade union activity or parasindical (esto último viene perfectamente definido en la sentencia).

Me presento a vosotros como presidente de ASFAS. Tanto los compañeros ya implicados como yo mismo nos hemos dado un plazo para conseguir un reto, acabar con la atonía de nuestro colectivo. Ayudadnos a no perder la esperanza de conseguirlo.

Quiero pediros que tanto si os asociáis como si no, no nos perdáis de vista, todos somos necesarios y todos podemos aportar nuestro granito de arena.

Solo me queda pediros excusas anticipadamente por aquellos errores que vamos a cometer con toda seguridad, y que intentaremos corregir en cuanto seamos conocedores.

Quedo at your disposal,

Pedro Amador Romero, President of ASFAS.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Radiculopathy Social Security

For those of us watching from the other side.

The text that is then published in the forum of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces and is written by an Army officer, a regular participant in that forum under the pseudonym of Zapatrans.

From here thank you I have authorized to use his words in this blog.

Sometimes I wonder if worth robbing family time to devote to a cause that many remain oblivious though they are fully involved and they know it. But when I think of the damage we have done, I have very clear that this is the road.

The personnel of ships and barracks, both in Spain and abroad, the complaints are constant and single-issue non-commissioned officers, all on the implementation of the successive laws military career and the damage to our collective. Many comrades despite being in dangerous missions outside the country, more concerned for the moral damage caused by the integration and therefore unfair assessment procedure for promotion to that has brought us the latest law 39/2007, which conditions so difficult that they must endure in many places, at considerable personal risk and away from their loved ones.

The amazing thing about this is that apparently the politicians and military officers who run the Ministry of Defense does not seem to find out what is happening. The grievances are so great So many injustices committed in recent decades, we can find, not in a long time, with scenarios that so far could not imagine.

The back door of the "down psychophysical conditions" is no longer valid, we want to continue or terminate our military career with the same dignity with which we entered the Armed Forces, which was great. The professionalism, love of service, satisfaction of duty and loyalty to the leadership, are among others, the characteristics of the vast majority of NCOs from the beginning of the transition in Spain. The complaints of the former top level are being addressed, too, in large part the official scale, not to mention the preferential treatment being given to the scale of add-although this will have had to change the law. The conditions of the army and navy, though improved, are a constant concern of the various commands of staff.

Therefore, political and military masters in our ministry with responsibility, why do not deal with once the problems of non-commissioned officers of the English Armed Forces?. They know perfectly, I have come resources, rights of petition, personal reports and even in some cases, they have been discussed some general control unit. Again, why do anything, is it that only deserve their neglect and indifference?.

Our fellow Assistant Scale Army, deservedly so, they have returned their income position eighteen years later. Belatedly, they have been compensated for mistakes with their scale, even to retired personnel. Why not respect the laws of income NCOs, Navy and Air affected by different laws?. Economically just effortless. With regard to templates, many lieutenants and brigades and we are fulfilling official missions and even if active promotion, the function does not change. The cap produced in Jobs Brigade Sergeant Sergeant 1 to be solved and the moral, if moral lords, so important to some famous strategists, would return to the levels required of all self-respecting professional army and especially recover the lost dignity.

In the latter law, officer training is reduced to anecdote, just a few comments and the words "technical specialist". Not content with the damage done by previous laws, virtually disappears internal promotion and left in the lurch hundreds, but thousands of graduates and diploma holders or non-commissioned officers who are in college or have aspiration to be a fair race officials.

If applied to everything you need to change the law, change. Agree all political groups, are playing with the future of thousands of men and women who are faithfully serving Spain. We deserve your attention and respect, not condemn us to another decade of frustration and neglect.

I know we read, this is my personal opinion but I'm sure is shared by almost one hundred percent of my classmates. Do not look the other way, know that we're asking is fair, is going to force us to use the last resort?, I hope not. By the way,



Thursday, July 30, 2009

Paint Jeff Hardy Flash Game


All that we live in the world of the military in Spain, we know what we mean when we talk of "integration." is a term that has recently been introduced in the language of professional armies and referred to management in a single list of the members of each scale placed on seniority.

to anyone other than this world will seem logical that all soldiers who hold the same job in a listing are sorted according to their age, resulting in a hierarchy that determines who has the command responsibility in cases that there is more use of the military.

this logic, once passed through the legal filter the English Armed Forces, lost his reason and we find that the command is not exercises based on the military use only, being necessary to have a certain ability, fitness or belonging to a particular specialty in order to take command of the various Units, Centres or Organisations of the FA, s. In short, a gibberish that results in, missing the head of the unit or a unit at any level (company, section etc) and in many situations it is not known for sure who is responsible command.

And if they should ask the Expert, if you want to send if you can not and should not require them.

In these situations we're still complicated for us with new laws, better clarify this first.

But this is not the matter at this time we are treated, I began talking about integration and retake the script.

As I mentioned, the integration was to make lists of military jobs according to their seniority. Easy is not it, you take the BOD, it checks the date of last promotion of the individual in question is placed between two others that reached before and after respectively.

And this causes many problems?.

yes. It

that previously there were other ranks, other staff lists sorted by age. Each scale was composed of soldiers who had entered the old Corps and Scales. There were several tiers.

For officers, there were, among others, a ladder for those from NCO and another for those from the Military Academy. Put them all on the same list has raised hackles. No one has been satisfied.

Either way I will focus on what happened in the Scales of NCO. At the end of the day is what we are dedicating this blog, let's talk about from the AGBs. Law

From 17/89 there were two ranks for NCOs from mostly of the AGBs: The Specialist Corps (I put it first because it is older) and the General Arms Corps (created with mentioned Act 17/89).

From AGBs out to overcome the curriculum, sergeants of both bodies, these sergeants had admitted after passing the same opposition, had made the same curriculum and had received his title of sergeant in the same military act, traditionally chaired by His Majesty the King of Spain.

The problem is a few years later, when it comes the first ascent. For promotion to Sergeant First ascent for someone outside the officer's life may seem a pittance with which rewards the sergeant for a time hold this job, break up the promotions and ascend at the time of vacancy.

already started with the injustices.

More vacancies are created for the General Body or Body Weapons Specialist (depending on the year) resulting in a promotion that members of the General Weapons Specialist overtake or vice versa.

This occurs for no apparent reason, since the law sets the maximum number of members of each job, but not the body to which they belong, so it starts to divide the scale. The old tactic, divide and conquer. Do not ascend because there are no vacancies, but vacancies are generated in the next office. Why not generate vacancies?, Because there is no staff positions, but the templates are designed in the office next door ... . In short, there has to be placed on staff so there you have vacancies for promotion. So who controls the promotion template controls, and the template is modified each year.

is a legal trap. I think a prerequisite for promotion but who am I grant, but if you resort, you explain that you do not meet the condition. So they are spending with personnel management.

And so in every promotion to higher employment, a brigadier and lieutenant, do not believe we're talking about the generals.

And these scraps that are given to the NCO for enduring, injustice forge military life for young people who released the Academy of Tremp, and are inherited by those years and not released nothing, not brand new never used or currencies.

Those who joined were promised when they come to see as official advanced the MEMBER OF A DEAL BACK IN Seniority is logical, but logical in the military logic. Or rather, the logic made for the military.

And that promise of what was to be official, 'cause I speak of promise, but it was not just that law was in force, was the career model designed for the AGBs. Now the ads and brochures have the character of the contract. "When they want us to present the triptychs in which we exposed the military that we would develop? And so we

aging, communicating with millstones with each new law, up to now. And do not talk about the days of "tell me." I'm talking about something more recent. I speak of my life. We are sad to see other groups outside the administration have improved their expectations. A we have sunk.

and returned to the integration. In what concerns us, in that you can see reflected in a single list how you ahead in a promotion by seniority being of the next generation to yours, whether man, remember, those who received the title from Her Majesty, as you already was a year in your first destination. Injustice has been riveted. You can check the list, do you have in front of those that justice should be behind you. Was a promotion by seniority.

And now what?

From now on more of the same, promotions will not be by seniority, will be by selection. If it was impossible to rig rigged ... what remains to be seen.

But that is another story, that of selection for promotion, a story I fear that it will take to many articles on this blog.

If we talk about integration on the Scales of NCO we can not say something very important: in the face of social media and face to the political class seems that only successful integration of the Scales of Officers (and a peak has left the case, hey, that has cost many euros), and not, non-commissioned officers we have also been integrated. But with a difference (and not), non-commissioned officers have left them no choice to join or not to join (such as Officer of the scale), we have integrated a period.

Of course, these are problems for some of the NCOs. Problems that need attention. And as I mentioned before, to the NCO is our career.

What do you mean by race? for that gentlemen, is our life and our families.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Are Light Reactive Lenses


is to go crazy.

This is perhaps waiting to happen if you do not change existing laws.

As I have said on other occasions in this forum: Is that what you expect us to do?, Do you expect us all turn crazy and we go for medical fitness loss?.

Delaying age go to Subject to 61, you're left brigade (not to climb three assessments) or second lieutenant, put you in a position of section chief tactical or logistical demands of men / women 30 years of age limit and are sent by other thirtysomethings (Masters) in what situation you're left with your 58 to 60 years?.

There is a generation gap (or two) between your people and you and the other between your head and you.

're the granddaddy of them all.

course you might have the same age as the Brigadier General or the Head of EM, but he is not sending a section, however much they want to compare, is not the same. We will be coming within the companies. Now Probably not, but when they start to charge the units described personal profile, if it will happen.

And now wonder, is dignified, decent, fair, humane, that the personnel policy is being implemented in the ET we prepare this final race?.

Do you expect us to leave the institution through this door, I suspect we is opening, which is the loss of fitness?

already explained on another occasion, in a group of many thousands of people is normal to have colleagues who have to leave the profession for psychophysical failure. There are cases of a lifetime in the field and in conditions of extreme duress, and that takes its toll. But we will teach the door of the loss of ability to decongest the scale?.

I do not want.

Maybe one day I happen not get me wrong, it is critical to have to go through injury or illness, none are immune to injury or illness, but I do not want to be out "informal" for junior officers .

After 44 years, (joined with 17) I want to go through the front door and want to have a regulatory framework that permits me. And if I have to tell stories of military service to my grandchildren to be with a good memory and a good "taste."

I hope to be able to be so and the fate of not having to go to the fitness loss to retire, that will allow me to enjoy my work and vocation that moved us all to choose the military.

Al Ultimately, I'm just talking about you can make an honorable career.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Topless Sunbathing On Crusie Ship



The CP proposes the urgent reform of the Law on Military Career.

Military Career Law approved by the Zapatero government has upset many sectors of the military. Popular in Congress proposed the correction of "the multiple dysfunctions, contradictions and grievances" that you created.

Document: PP Proposed reform of the Military Career Law

LD (J. Arias Borque) truncated career prospects, poor prospects, soldiers who left the Armed Forces by temporary reservation for twenty years and now amount to three grades in one year by beating his former teammates and still-active ... Sixteen months after its entry into force, the Military Career Law approved by the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has met the English courts of resources contrary to the norm.

has also meant that, on two occasions, the military has decided to focus on civilian protest. The last time Saturday, when more than 200 members of the armed forces showed their rejection of the rule outside the office of Ombudsman, which led to over three hundred complaints.

The Popular Party has registered at the Congress of Deputies a non-legislative proposal for the urgent amendment of the Act Military career, with the objective of correcting "the multiple dysfunctions, contradictions and grievances that have been identified in the implementation" of the law.

As outlined in the proposal, "it is urgent to solve the grievances that caused the removal of the officer for promotion to internal promotion, the delay successive ages go to the reservation, the assignment of new responsibilities without the corresponding allocation salary or status recognition, the grievances in promotions to lieutenant and delays, the collapse of the pyramid scale decompensated staff, lack of employment limits in most cases the provision of services or loss of expertise, among other issues. "

Addressing the situation of the NCO

The current rule limits the promotion of career opportunities, which leaves out of the profession valid when officers and men can best fulfill the purpose for which they were formed. It also devalues \u200b\u200bthe NCO and also damaged the army and navy personnel.

The project is not popular bill considered "urgent" to nurture the status of NCOs from the above rule does not have the possibility access the Army's top job by the system of internal promotion, to enhance their career prospects. "The current law assumes that NCOs who have not accessed the scales have prevented the rise in official limits either by age or have reached a certain use of NCO. These limits are causing discriminatory and difficult to reconcile with the principles of merit and ability, "said PP.

stress the need for resolving the status of all non-commissioned officers who had no legal limitation to achieve the use of second lieutenant, for they can get the job of lieutenant after the age of 25 years as a professional soldier. To this end, the development proposed amendment of Article 21 and Article 62 of Law 39/2007 of Career Military and Transitional Provisions 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th the law, so as to change and rectify the criteria for access to NCO.

also popular saw a need for general rules on promotion to the rank of noncommissioned officer to fit the principles enshrined in the English Constitution, proposing to rectify the wrong he assumed that the NCO the date of entry into force were on reserve status be granted greater seniority and a higher salary to staff in active service. To this end, urge the transitional provision 7 th amendment of Law 39/2007.
university environment

The motion proposes to enhance law career officer in a grade to university level and is enhanced by a more consistent curriculum. To do this, advocate for the amendment of Article 57, on the teachings of the Law on Military Career.

Similarly, the PP sees a need for urgent solution that has created the Air Force, where some junior officers of the old scales are not only not been backed up some of their rights in the new law but have also seen Like some fellow graduate who benefited from the transitional reservation now been promoted to grade lieutenant, a graduation to those who are still active, and under current law, can not ascend. The

aims to correct the wrongs that have become popular also to the scale and Auxiliary Assistant Specialist, exactly to the components "of the courses XXXII to XXXV Assistant Scale and IX to XVI Assistant Specialist Corps ( CAE), according to the proposition of law, so also seek to amend sections 3 and 7 of 10 additional provision of Act 37/2007. Military

disabled on duty

The motion law of PP also proposes to correct the adverse effects that the rule military force to produce disabled while on duty or retired because it was permanently injured while on duty, something to make additional provision should be amended 10 th. Similarly, raise the modification of the 4 th transitional provision to remedy the serious damage that the current Law on Military Career cause more than 200 second lieutenants.

Thus, also calls for the modification of the transitional provision 6 of Act to address access to employment than those who move to the reservation from the coming into force of amendments to the law.

Popular also considered necessary to abolish the course of adaptation the integration of official scales, because they believe has ignored that 90 percent of the components of both scales of the General Officers and Specialists Corps, come from the internal promotion of NCOs Scale have five years of training, along with two oppositions, and for entering them on the scale required the same qualifications as required for access to university education.

Similarly, this course has, "by distorting the rules, scales and scales," according to the PP, "a number of complaints, violations of individual rights and a host of grievances, inequality , errors and omissions that have caused an upset unprecedented number of military establishments. "

Proposals PP

Article 62 and Transitional Provisions 1 st, 2 nd and 4 th
Contest merit and ability without limits of age, employment or university degree, for official promotion to internal promotion from 2011.Plazo three months to reform the situation of non-commissioned officers affected by the Law on professional military regime and restoration of the rights of the promotion of commissioned officers of the Air Force.

Possibility of promotion to lieutenant for those who have attained the rank of sergeant by law 17/1989 and before of Law 17/1999, but have not completed the 25-year-NCO. Recognition

all military who reached the rank of sergeant before the Law 17/1989, at the time of his promotion to officer, seniority, length of service and economic benefits dated January 1, 2008.

Sergeants amounting before January 1, 1977 and are not included in the above provisions may amount, at their request, to lieutenant in the reservation with age and time of service January 1, 2008.

Transitory 7 th

NCOs who had no legal limitation to achieve the use of second lieutenant, may Lieutenant achieve employment once they reach 25 years old.

NCOs who have promoted to sergeant as of January 1, 1977 and prior to January 1, 1990 in the Army and Navy or before July 7, 1993 in the Air Force, and who had no legal limitation to achieve the use of second lieutenant to lieutenant amount in reserve accounting effect from the date of promotion. NCOs who have promoted the use of sergeant major, will move up the same conditions of employment of captain.

NCOs who have promoted to lieutenant, in extending the 17/1999 law or by the proposed rule, occupy, each of them, as appropriate for the job they reached the status of active sevice. The older NCOs the entry into force of this provision would have obtained the use of lieutenant, captain amount to the same age as that of Lieutenant obstenta employment. Article 57

To provide NCOs obtain an official college degree move up through internal promotion by merit and ability competition. Avoid

where the current penalty sergeants and NCOs extension all, with a vocational degree (senior technician), when right and rightful duties of a university degree, to be allocated according to the Bologna agreement. Include

Defense University at NCO academies. Equated with civilian studies military studies carried out in the AGBs. The matching criteria will be the implementation of the Bologna agreement.

Pay the staff college of the Armed Forces through the provision of aid that will be accessed by a combination of merit and ability. Additional provision

10 th

Reorder,, maintaining the same order and seniority scales have mentioned, the officers and noncommissioned officers on active duty and reserve, starting from the date of promotion to lieutenant, in the worst case could not be later than that resulting from turned twenty-eight years after its entry into the sevice ..

Assign, under the new system, employment and seniority of lieutenant. Make

promotion to the following posts of captain and commander of the seniority system, computing and adjusting the minimum time spent in employment. Provide employment commander met only once in the post of master the required dwell time.

subjecting the temporary application of these measures to the staff from the reserve to the view that transient dates job tenure resulting from the reorganization are earlier than the date on which each joined the transitional reservation. Since then, it will be recognized only promotion.

Keep staff affected by the proposed rule, and grades in which they are entitled by law 17/1999, until his retirement. Keeping

legal limit for those who, prior to the entry into force of the amended provision, had to meet certain legal limitations had lost jobs or positions in the hierarchy by applying the law.

Add the following paragraph to the provision 10 th: "The age promotion to be granted to all concerned is that of January 1, 2008, with the economic effects those listed in paragraph 7 ".

Give a redraft paragraph 7:" Any new situations generated under this provision shall not for any of the interested economic effects prior to the date of entry into force of this Act and in the case of active duty, either prior to the date of his booking, with the exception of the provisions in 8 "

New Item 8:" The time for triennia rights and liabilities are accounted for stakeholders, whatever their situation, from the day they became the ability to access the scales Auxiliary aids and specialists, with the effects economist January 1, 2008 ... "

NCOs in retirement due to permanent disability caused while on duty or terrorism, may requested within six months of employment and seniority assigned to follow him in the course of fitness for access to these scales contained in this reorganization because they were on active duty or reserve.

Solving granting promotions vessels which are sub-lieutenant with the approved course and removed for having permanently injured while on duty.

transitional provision 4 ª

redraft paragraph "G" of the provision so that the ensigns of the Scales of General Corps Officers and Specialists ascend in accordance with the provisions of the Transitional Provision 1 of Act 39/2007.

The use of second lieutenant in the officer ranks is only for academic purposes.

transitional provision 4 th, 7b
Suppression course "adaptation."

transitional provision 6 th
All those who pass the reservoir from the entry into force of this law will enter the top job with the use of general expección on the scales of officers and deputy scales colonel declared a lapse of the law 17/1989, provided they have no legal limitation to climb and not fulfilling his job ten years computed the time of booking.

Heather Brooke Ideep Throat


non-legislative proposal submitted by the PP in Congress.

is a bit long, but worth reading.



In its preamble, the Military Career Law establishes the purpose of ensuring the quality of military personnel in a highly technical modern and where human resources constitute an essential and decisive factor. The will of the law must pursue a personnel policy that achieve excellence, both in the formative stage in the selection of the best qualified for promotion and the most suitable for the performance of cough destinations.

Another goal set by the Act is to incorporate the system of professional military personnel the principles and rules of general application to the service staff of the General Administration of State in accordance with the law 7 / 2007 of April 12 of the Basic Statute for Civil Servants, with adaptations due to the military status.

The Act also emphasizes in its preamble, reinforcing the role of the NCO to defining, repeatedly, as a fundamental link to the organization.

All of the above is just a sample of the intentions of the Act Sixteen months after its entry into force survive multiple failures, injuries and contradictions it is necessary and urgent to solve, that they are exposed, again and again, for those affected, which are causing great unrest and the government, understandably, gives no answer.

notes with concern the PP parliamentary group that noncommissioned officers about the situation is most severe for the many grievances, the truncated career prospects and low expectations for the future that are currently NCO scales. It is urgent to solve, among other things, to complaints that causes the elimination of official promotion to internal promotion, the delay successive ages Pass subject, the assignment of new responsibilities without the provision for pay or recognition category, the grievances in promotions to lieutenant and delays, the collapse of the pyramid scale uncompensated personnel, lack of employment limits in most cases the provision of services or loss of expertise, among other issues.

Popular Parliamentary Group understands that, despite the repeatedly proclaimed throughout the text of the current Military Career Law, the current model is moving away from the English civil service model (Law 7 / 2007 of the Civil Service Basic Statute) of great career opportunities and internal promotion, while in the military field is left that way.

The current legislation a standard template and promotion rules that greatly limit their career options, left out of the profession of arms control and valid when soldiers can best meet the purpose for which they were trained in military academies and schools.

The Act imposes, likewise, a rigid templates, instead of providing a good personnel policy and wasted unnecessarily complicates training and coaching invaluable. The Military Career Law gives unequal treatment to different scales, it devalues \u200b\u200bthe NCO and step insufficient to army and navy. With the aim of unifying scales has created inequalities dog officials, including scales and even within the same scales in different situations.

Popular Parliamentary Group is aware of existing problems and grievances, introduced and presented in this House many initiatives, questions and proposals for the amendment of Law 39/2007, aimed at addressing the complex casuistry Errors and existing discrimination.

This non-legislative proposal compiled, expanded and added to the various parliamentary initiatives for the following reasons:

* consider of utmost urgency looking for immediate solutions to many issues, dysfunctions, injuries, situations unfair or violation of individual rights at the time of application of the Act, have emerged or were foreseeable and were not corrected.
* believe that, in light of experience, we have to remove an adaptation of the Scales of Officers, for reasons of content and economy.
* We believe that the Congress should, and it is your responsibility to be actively involved in monitoring the development of this Act and to propose the creation of a future Subcommittee to monitor the implementation of Ia Career Law Military.

Popular Parliamentary Group believes that while each situation, their size and significance, deserves an individualized treatment is important for the emergency procedure and parliamentary agility collect all the amendments in a single text. This will be given the highest urgency to the debate not to delay the solutions.

For these reasons, and aware that the list of issues that this includes non-legislative proposal can not be exhaustive and may be extended, adapted and revised, if necessary, the Popular Parliamentary Group presents and submits urgent amendments to a vote to resolve the situations of different groups that are listed below:

First, it is urgent to address the situation fa NCOs from the above rule does not have the ability to access senior military jobs by the system of internal promotion. This is correct underestimation and that damage and increase their prospect of real military.

consider this matter of utmost urgency because it is found that the implementation of the present Act is that the NCOs who have not accessed the intermediate scales have prevented the rise in official limits either by age or have employment reached a certain officer. These limits are causing discriminatory and hardly compatible with the principles of merit and ability. We note, also, that calls for internal promotion, and implementation of the Act punishes those who have more merit for his age and experience (A squad of 34 who had college education, who had participated in various military operations, who spoke three languages \u200b\u200band had been decorated for his merits could not have reached the official use of brigade or for exceeding the limit of 33 years while he is considered fit to perform official duties to fit).

also urgently need to solve the status of all non-commissioned officers who had no legal limitation to achieve the use of second lieutenant, that in this way can get the rank of Lieutenant after the age of 25 years antiquity as a career soldier, has previously been proceeding to the correction of jobs and seniority, with the reorganization of access promotion.

This paper, therefore, urges the government, in the first point, to modify and implement Article 62 of Law 3912007 and Transitional Provisions for (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th) of so as to change and rectify the criteria for promotion of junior officers. Also be amended Article 21.

Second, are urged to lay down general rules on promotion to the rank of noncommissioned officer to fit the principles enshrined in the English Constitution.

To do this, the second point of this bill proposes to remedy the injury means that the NCO to the date of entry into force were on reserve status be granted greater seniority and a higher salary to staff are active in the situation, who inexplicably punished for continuing to supply services. So, at this point this NLP propose the amendment of the transitional provision 7 of Act 3912007 of the Military Career

Third, are urged to introduce changes on the teachings, so as to raise the race officer to be college degree and prestige with a more consistent curriculum. Therefore, paragraph three of this non-legislative proposal requesting the amendment of Article 57 on the teachings of the Law 39/2007

Fourthly, we propose to give an urgent solution to the status of Air Force non-commissioned officers from the former non-commissioned officers scales, which have not been backed up their entitlement in his career. These NCOs have been compounded their situation to be promoted, on approval of the Air Force NCO who were in the reserve, many of them from the reserve transient (whose rights and expectations were clearly defined), the rank of Lieutenant. The above Air Force NCO active rights have been severed and truncated his career by not preemitírsele the possibility of promotion to Officer, and not taking into account the fundamental principles of merit and ability inspiring new laws Career Military.
To that end, this proposition of law not ask the government, in its fourth point, Proposed Amendment of the 10th Additional Provision of Law 39/2007.

Fifth, we urgently to address the grievances that have been suffering for years and Scale Auxiliary Assistant Specialist. To address the grievances of the components of the courses XXXll the Auxiliary Scale XXXV (Eaux) and IX to XVI Assistant Specialist Corps (EAC) of the Army, will have to amend paragraphs 3 and 7 of the Provision Additional praise for the Law 37/2007 on the Military Career, and add a point eight, according to what is proposed in the fifth point of this proposition of law.

Sixthly, we propose to correct the detrimental effects that the existing rule produces a disabled military on duty or retired because it was permanently injured while on duty.

To that end, this proposition of law claims that the government, in its sixth point, the modification of the tenth additional provision.

Seventh, we propose, in this non-legislative proposal, to correct certain errors of the Law 39/2007 causing injury to more than 200 second lieutenants.

To that end, this proposition of law requested by the government, in its seventh point, the modification of the fourth transitory provision.

Eighth, we propose a solution for access to employment than those who move to the reservation from the coming into force of this Act
To do this non-legislative proposal prompted the government in its eighth point, the modification of the sixth transitory provision.

Finally, and in relation to \\ a integration of official scales, this proposition of law, at its tenth, claiming the removal of so-called course of adaptation, which has come to cause harm in all scales for the following reasons:
* not respected, even breached, individual rights.
* has ignored that 90% of the components of the scales of both the Corps General Officers and Specialists Corps come from internal promotion Scale NCO and have five years of training, along with two oppositions, also, for income scale are they the same qualifications as required for access to university education.
* has alienated the armed forces of English civil service model (Law 7 / 2007 of the Civil Service Basic Statute) and the specimen in the mainstream education system.
* It has led, by distorting the rules, scales and varemos, a number of complaints, violations of individual rights and a host of grievances, inequality, errors and omissions that have caused unprecedented unrest in numerous military establishments of the three armies.

To overcome these shortcomings and grievances, in the above paragraph nine of this non-legislative proposal requesting the Government to submit a modification and rearrangement of bodies and categories defined in the current law by removing uncertainties and avoiding demotivation.

Also, in paragraph 10 states the need to establish a subcommittee to monitor the implementation of the Law on Military Career. For what shall initiate the appropriate procedures. It urges the government to submit the first report of enforcement.

Considering the above background, the Popular Parliamentary Group has the following


The House of Representatives urges the Government to:

1. Refer to the House for discussion and approval on the implementation of Article 62 of Law 39/2007 and Transitional Provisions 1st, 2nd and 4th, so that:

> is set to July 2011, on merit and ability without limits of age or employment which and without being in possession of a bachelor's degree, within the quota established by the Ministry of Defense official for promotion to internal promotion, never less than 25% of the total seats offered official.
> You set a time limit of three months to reform the situation of non-commissioned officers affected by the Law on professional military personnel system and, likewise, so that ways and means to restore rights promotion of the Air Force NCO.
> You take urgent measures so that those who had Sgt obtained employment under the Law Regulating the System of Professional Military Personnel 17/1989 and before the implementation of Law 17/1999 Regime Staff of the Armed Forces, to achieve the rank of Lieutenant in the asset to meet NCO and 25 years of successfully passing the fitness course, or after exercise and Lieutenant services for 5 years although they had not completed 25 years of NCO.
> is contemplated, from the proposed modification of the transitional provision 3a, that all those junior officers who obtained the rank of sergeant before the implementation of the Law Regulating Regime Staff Military Professional 17/1989, they are recognized at the time of promotion to officer, seniority, length of service and economic effects, dated January 1, 2008. The minimum acceptable will be May 20, 1999.
> It provides, from the modification of the transitional provision 4th all Non-commissioned armed forces not subject to the above provisions, and they got the job of sergeant from 1 January 1977, ascend, at its request, the use of reserve lieutenant in the age and service times of 1 January 2008 and economic effects of the filing date of the application.
> The change that provision and Article 21 so that all non-commissioned officers who had no legal limitation to achieve the use of lieutenant, to achieve the rank of Lieutenant after reaching 25 years old as military career. Previously, it was appropriate to the correction of jobs and seniority, by the reorganization for promotion of access, in accordance with the provisions of the transitional provision.

2. Sent to the House for debate and approval a new wording of the transitional provision of the Seventh Law 39/2007 on the Military Career advancement to the rank of noncommissioned officer so that compliance with the principles enshrined in the English Constitution and the Equal itself, ability and merit. The new version will address the following criteria:

> The NCO who obtained the job of sergeant from January 1, 1977 and prior to January 1, 1990 for the Army and Navy, (date of entry into force of Law 17/1989 of 19 July Regime Staff of the Armed Forces) and the July 7, 1993 for the Air Force, (date prior to the rise to Sergeant employment the first class of the Basic Academic Air), and had no legal limitation to achieve the use of second lieutenant, may obtain, upon request, the use of lieutenant who will be granted to move to reserve status with economic effects from the date of promotion. NCOs who have promoted the use of Chief Petty Officer, will amount to the same conditions of employment of Captain.
> NCOs who have promoted or ascend to the rank of Lieutenant, in expansion of Law 27/1999 of May 18, or this provision, for the sole purpose of determining the ranking order in reserve status, occupy, each of them, as appropriate for the job they achieved in the active service and seniority in the same. The Senior NCO that the entry into force of this provision would have obtained the rank of Lieutenant to Captain amount which will be assigned the same age who held the rank of Lieutenant.
> The age and time effective services in the employment of the personnel named in the foregoing shall be the one to each of the promotions for promotion to sergeant follows:

1 January 2000 for the promotion of 1977.
January 1, 2001, for the promotion of 1978.
January 1, 2002, for the class of 1979;

and so on until the last class for the dates indicated.

3. Develop and modify the requirements of Article 57 on the teachings of the Law 3912007 so as to raise the race officer to be college degree and career prestige the aforementioned study plans more consistent, according to the following criteria:
> Facilitating noncommissioned officer who obtained a university degree title ascend through the internal promotion of a merit system and capacity without limits of age or employment reached within the quota established by the Ministry of Defence for promotion to Officer and which must not be less than 25% of the total seats offered Officers.
> Avoid the "penalty" where the current sergeants, and by extension all non-commissioned officers, with a vocational degree (senior technician) when committed by law and carried out, it is for the college degree to be assigned to the Bologna agreements to current college coaches and graduates.
> Modify the existing education system, by creating the University Law 39/2007 of Defense, it leaves out the non-commissioned officer academies. Correct this anomaly so that if the Lieutenant is the engineer of the FAS, the engineer is the sergeant, prepared, in addition to their specific tasks, for others of greater responsibility.
> Prepare and submit to the House the relevant studies for NCO academies which pass to join the University of Defence and updated the curriculum for what the students of these schools to obtain the degree in college.
> equate with civilian qualifications military studies carried out in the AGBs, according to conditions, study, during and after courses. The matching criteria will be the implementation of the Bologna agreement.
> Pay the staff college of the Armed Forces through the provision of aid that will be accessed by a combination of merit and ability in order that those who seek to promote an officer to meet this requirement.
> Expanding the percentage of quotas to be established for access to the noncommissioned officer who obtained the title of university degree.

4. Refer to the House for debate and approval amending the 10th Additional Provision of Law 39/2007 to resolve the status of Air Force NCO, according to the following parameters:

* Reorder, retaining the same old order and the scales have mentioned in this text, and noncommissioned officers on active duty and reserve, starting from the date of his promotion to lieutenant, in the worst case could not be later than that resulting from fa turned twenty-eight years after its entry into the service, as envisaged by number three, B) of Article I of Law 43/1977 of 8 June, to amend the conditions for promotion of the Air Force NCO, and always that would have matched the rise the preceding one in the hierarchy. For this to be applied cough following criteria:
> Assign, within the new order and the date that had or would have had to the previous point, employment and seniority of lieutenant in the original scale, each of them, limit their employment and seniority are not following the date of the meeting concerned or has turned 61 years old.
> Perform the following promotion to Captain and Commander jobs by the seniority system, computing and adjusting the minimum time spent in employment to qualify for the next job.
> Give all military personnel referred to the current law, the use of Commander met only once in the employment of Captain residence time previously required, and when they go to reserve status, with the age limit obtained in this work, no later than the date meet or who turned 61 years old.
> Put in place measures to ensure that official data found on removal of the entry into force of the amendment of Act fa, from the scales above, to apply, employment and seniority assigned to them continue through the ranks, and always with the limit that does not involve employment and seniority after the date on which the affected turned 61 years of age.
> Subjecting the implementation of these measures temporary personnel from temporary reservation to the view that the dates of job tenure resulting from the reorganization are earlier than the date on which each joined the transitional reservation. From that date it will be recognized only promotion, under Royal Decree 741/1986 of 11 April, establishing the status of Transient Reserve Air Force, if he had not obtained prior to the publication date of this Act by other legislation, ranks in this case and obtained employment in the appropriate place in the scale according to the provisions for that purpose in this Act
> Keep Military Personnel affected by the proposed rule, and grades in their respective of Law 17/1999 until his retirement, why not joining the new scales contained in the law 39/2007 of 19 November of the military.
> Maintaining the legal limit for those who, prior to the entry into force of the amended provision, legal restrictions have to meet certain jobs or had slipped in the ranks of law enforcement force.

* The amendment is sent to the House shall apply to officers and NCOs of the Scales: Special Officer of Troops and Services, Special Officers Warning and Control Operators; Troops NCO and Services, Specialty Warning and Control Operators, Special Officer Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics, Special Officer of Electronic Mechanics, Special Officer Bomb Gunsmith; Special radio officer, Special Photography and Mapping Officer, Special Mechanical Officials Transfer, Special Automobile Mechanical Officials; Office Auxiliary Air Forces Officers.
> From NCO Specialist Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics, Mechanical Specialists In Electronics NCO, NCO Gunsmith Bomb specialists, radio operators Specialists NCO, NCO Photography and Mapping Specialists, Specialists NCO drives; NCO specialists Auto Mechanics; Office Auxiliary Air Forces, NCOs.
> Coming Scales Gun Auxiliary Air Force, who were fa structured by Law 18/1975, of May 2, the reorganization of Aviation Weapon, amending the law of July 15, 1952, reorganization of the Gun Aviation, and Law 146/1963, laying reorganization of the Military Office Auxiliary Air, created by Act May 26, 1944, acknowledging in its second article the right to attain the rank of officer, to the use of commander, and who were active in any job on January 1, 1990, date of entry into force of Law 17/1989, of July 19, Regulatory Regime Military Personnel Training, and before those who obtained employment by Resolution num.762 Sergeant / 0932-í/93 (Body General) and Resolution 762109325193 (Specialist Corps) 13.0.0. not 132, and that dog under the First Promotion of NCO Ranks, established in the Law 17/1989.

* Any of the new situations created pursuant to the tenth additional provision of Law 39/2007 as amended in accordance with the above criteria will not be for any of the interested economic effects prior to the date of its entry into force.

5. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal amending the Additional Provision loa of Law 37/2007 of a military career, so as to mitigate the adverse effects they are experiencing the components of the courses XXXII to XXXV Assistant Scale (Eaux) and IX to XVI Assistant Specialist Corps ( CAE) of the Army, and taking into account the following information

> Add a new paragraph to paragraph 3 of fa 10th Additional Provision of Law with the following: "The age of promotion in give all stakeholders will be to January 1, 2008, with the economic effects those listed in paragraph 7 ", as was done with the promotion to lieutenant under the DA 8a of the Law 17/1999.

> to redraft paragraph 7, as follows: "7. Any new situations generated under this provision shall not for any of the interested economic effects prior to the date of entry into force of this Act and in the case of active duty, either before the date of his move to the reservation, except as provided in Section 8.

> Add new point, 8, with the following contents: "8 .- triennia Times for rights and liabilities are accounted for stakeholders, either regardless of their situation, from the date you obtained the ability to access the auxiliary scales and the auxiliary body of specialists, the economic effects of January 1, 2008. The Defense Ministry officially reconverted trienniums Group Al corresponding to every party and update times for pension rights in the relevant personnel file "

6. Refer to the House for debate and approval of Additional Provision Amendment praise of the current law, so as to correct the harmful effects that this rule produces a disabled military in action, introducing the following changes and criteria:

> Adding text at the end of the first paragraph of point one, which reads: "... except those who by law were exempt you from conducting ...". It also will add a new paragraph to paragraph four to read "the NCO from the NCO corps in retirement due to permanent disability caused while on duty or terrorism, may request within six months of employment and old assigned to follow him in the course of fitness for access to these scales contained in this reorganization because they were on active duty or reserve. Always with the limit that does not involve employment and seniority after the date on which the affected turned 61 years old. Always, also, that the dates of job tenure resulting from the reorganization are earlier than the date on which each happened to pensioners. "

> Forward also changing Additional Provision 10 th to provide a solution to the granting of promotions (like the rest of the retired personnel) to the lieutenants who are with the approved course and removed for having been injured permanently on duty. And Widows of officers killed in seniority dates granted by the Act were alive and met the requirements as well as other retirees.

7. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal amending the Fourth Transitional Provision, so to correct the damage caused by this Act to the lieutenants, according to the following criteria:

> Modify the Temporary Provision on July 4. Section H, deleting the reference to G and giving a new wording to the transitional provision 4 ª 7 G so that Alfereces Scales cough Officers General and Specialist bodies ascend in accordance with the provisions in the transitional provision of Law 39/2007. This will solve the serious harm that a normative contradiction between the Transitional Provisions and 4a is causing a group of over two hundred military.

> Amend Article 22 of Law 39/2007 of employment so that the lieutenant of the categories of officers it is only for academic purposes.

8. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal amending the transitional provision 6 th so that all who pass to the reservoir from the entry into force of this Act, regardless of scale or body of origin, superior access to employment with the exception of the use of General Officers on the scales and Lieutenant Colonel on the scales declared for the extinguishing of the Law 17/1989, provided they have no legal limitation to meet up and not ten years of his employment computed the time of reservation, the application will be available once this correction made jobs and length to it by the reorganization for promotions.

9. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal Modification of the transitional provision 4 th 7.b, so that the deletion of the so-called adaptation Course. " In that proposal, plus the deletion of that year, the Government must respect the following criteria on the establishment of bodies and scales:

> Regardless of the date of incorporation to the new scales, this there will be employment and seniority promotion corrected. By adapting technical standards of situations, and until the enactment of the corresponding templates quadrennial Article 16.4, shall be promulgated by appropriate transitional templates adaptation, these templates will be temporary in any case longer than two years.

> Prior to the integration of new scales, we proceed to the correction of jobs and seniority, by the reorganization for promotion of access to the appropriate scales with effect from date of entry into force this Act

> rearrangements of seniority for promotion within each scale, following the implementation of rules and procedures prior to the integration of scales, in no case involve changing the relative position of its members as a result of the application of these rules of integration. In the case of equal seniority, the sort order in different jobs of members of bodies and scales to integrate, it will be solved by applying the proportionality test by the number of troops for the use and origin in each integrated case.

10. The Government referred to the Subcommittee to be formed for this purpose within the Defence Committee, a report that includes details about the individual impact in the area of \u200b\u200beach army, Application of the transitional provision 4 =, paragraph 6 and the transitional arrangement 4a, paragraph 12 of the proportionality test to order in a single ranking officers of different backgrounds. Also include details of the provision of implementation of the transitional provision 4a, paragraph 7.b additional provision amended by fa 15a of the Budget Law.

Future Monitoring Subcommittee of the Implementation of the Military Career Law, once it is constituted, work on a permanent basis during this Legislature. Processed and will hear a 'few situations individual grievance will be raised and thus, a proper channel and complimentary access to government.

11. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal to amend Article 116, "on the loss of career military status, stating as follows:" that in any case, this condition loss will occur due to circumstances, causes sentencing to main or disciplinary sanction or other, or produce worse effects than its equivalent for other civil officers of the General State Administration. "

12. Refer to the House for debate and approval a proposal amending the Transitional Provision 1 st, so that new systems of promotion are applied since the entry into force of this Act