lovers of literature and the arts in general, the Medici had an effective remedy to cure all sorts of diseases and at the same recourse when they wanted to curry favor with someone. According to the chronicles
Alfonso the Magnanimous, King of Aragon and Naples, bore a bad fever. Llegole the news Cosimo in Florence, and, eager to curry favor with the English monarch, sent him the book of Livy " From the Founding of the City " in a careful handwritten edition of beautiful illustrations. King
physicians advised against reading by whether it contained a poison, but Alfonso it rejected his comments claimed that the text of Livy had a divine nature and treatment, and nothing bad could be in the same or come from him.
healed the king and the book has not left since that time it was all over as a talisman against adversity of Fortune.
Alfonso the Magnanimous, King of Aragon and Naples, bore a bad fever. Llegole the news Cosimo in Florence, and, eager to curry favor with the English monarch, sent him the book of Livy " From the Founding of the City " in a careful handwritten edition of beautiful illustrations. King
physicians advised against reading by whether it contained a poison, but Alfonso it rejected his comments claimed that the text of Livy had a divine nature and treatment, and nothing bad could be in the same or come from him.
healed the king and the book has not left since that time it was all over as a talisman against adversity of Fortune.
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