the consul Appius Claudius was more hated by the populace of Rome. His continued opposition to the reforms, its severity in the army and its stubborn defense of the rights of the patricians gained him many enemies. He cited the tribunes
Setting Duilio and Gnaeus SiciƩ when fulfilled its mandate to appear before the people. Neither the entreaties of the Senate and the cries of the mob intimidate Claudio. He was not pleading or softened their language. Retained defiant and aggressive tone of his voice. His courage amazed the tribunes and the common silenced, forced to postpone the process the next day, and then to its indefinite extension.
Appius Claudius died before he reached the appointed day to restart the trial. A Tribune suggested that he deny the eulogy, but the common people, admired by virtue of his enemy, was opposed to private solemn honor and flocked to the funeral to pay as much attention as the eulogy when humiliated by his speeches from the podium.
Setting Duilio and Gnaeus SiciƩ when fulfilled its mandate to appear before the people. Neither the entreaties of the Senate and the cries of the mob intimidate Claudio. He was not pleading or softened their language. Retained defiant and aggressive tone of his voice. His courage amazed the tribunes and the common silenced, forced to postpone the process the next day, and then to its indefinite extension.
Appius Claudius died before he reached the appointed day to restart the trial. A Tribune suggested that he deny the eulogy, but the common people, admired by virtue of his enemy, was opposed to private solemn honor and flocked to the funeral to pay as much attention as the eulogy when humiliated by his speeches from the podium.
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