From here, support unconditionally to the Association, knowing that their activities will facilitate improvement of the conditions of our community.
We are in luck. A hug.
formal establishment of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces
Is Born, Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces. Entered in the National Registry of Associations: Group: 1 / Section: 1 / N ° National: 593330; with NIF: G43994540
believe we needed a reference, a place to go when requesting information on certain topics. From this need arose a page, which originally was intended to NCOs Earth. (Www.suboficialesagbs.es)
in its development, we have participated in the three Army NCOs, and this collaboration came the idea of \u200b\u200bASFAS and a new page ( www.as-fas.es ) plus various initiatives that many already know.
not born as a counterpoint to any association, platform, web, forum, etc. but responds to the need to get a point for the NCO, where we can share concerns, raise needs, identify gaps, propose solutions and get back above encouragement for the future, avoiding the demoralization that spreads in our community.
Our main aim is to put the officer in the rightful place. Promote the prestige of this figure both in the Armed Forces, and the rest of society. Finally, finally, with the figure of Sergeant Arencibia "as associated with our scale and we have done so much damage.
An association can be what its members want. There is an entity that after paying a fee, will solve our problems, but he who thinks this is better to abandon the idea. It is essential for financial and staff of all according to their possibilities. The association can arrange all the partners to propose, you can report anything that they bring, can coordinate our movements but not least, who has to move us.
course, and is fundamental so, we must demand and comply with the law. This is a principle that has moved, and move ASFAS. At this point it is necessary to substantiate the right of association of the military is perfectly legal and legitimate under Constitutional Court of October 31, 2001, states that the military has the right to associate in partnerships protest , while not disguised trade union activity or parasindical (esto último viene perfectamente definido en la sentencia).
Me presento a vosotros como presidente de ASFAS. Tanto los compañeros ya implicados como yo mismo nos hemos dado un plazo para conseguir un reto, acabar con la atonía de nuestro colectivo. Ayudadnos a no perder la esperanza de conseguirlo.
Quiero pediros que tanto si os asociáis como si no, no nos perdáis de vista, todos somos necesarios y todos podemos aportar nuestro granito de arena.
Solo me queda pediros excusas anticipadamente por aquellos errores que vamos a cometer con toda seguridad, y que intentaremos corregir en cuanto seamos conocedores.
Quedo at your disposal,
Pedro Amador Romero, President of ASFAS.
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