Friday, October 23, 2009

Saying For 18 Year Old

Undersecretary of Defense denied the massive influx of claims for the implementation of the Law on Military Career.

At the hearing before the Defense Committee in the Senate on October 22, 2009.

In the following operation in the Defence Committee by the Deputy Speaker of the PP in the Committee of Defense Juan Jose Imbroda Ortiz:

Defense Undersecretary Maria Victoria San José Villaco, answer the following:


The MoD maintains that are not reaching a large number of complaints and claims, Ms. Secretary, speaking of individual resources to the integration of scales (of course individual Secretary Ms, you have in mind that you are now in Defense) said that receive the usual number when opening the times evaluation.

statements have no waste, it is worth listening altogether. _________________________________

Deputy Speaker of the PP in the Committee of Defense Juan Jose Imbroda Ortiz. Senator

Melilla from the day March 9, 2008. POPULAR
MELILLA Born in the June 24, 1944.
Casado. Two daughters and two sons. Training
electoral laying in the elections: POPULAR PARTY
Member of the Permanent Deputation

Defense Undersecretary Maria Victoria San José Villacarlos.

born in Valladolid on August 23, 1958, graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid.

civil servants, belonging to the Inspectorate of Labour and Social Security.

San Jose has been Inspector of Labour and Social Security and head of the Provincial in La Rioja (1982-87), the provincial head of Labour and Social Security in Guadalajara (1987-88), director of the Office of the Deputy Ministry of Interior (1988-94), deputy chief the Office of the Director General of the Guardia Civil (1994-96), labor inspector in the Provincial de Madrid (1996-2004).

General Technical Secretary of the Interior Ministry from April 2004 to April 2006 she was appointed Technical General Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.

The April 21, 2007, was today appointed to the office.

published personal data have been obtained from the website of the Ministry of Defence and Senate of Spain

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shower Before Or After Waxing

A report by the Army recognizes the right of soldiers to join "associations protest"

ensures, however, that "professional associations" are not recognized "in the field of the Armed Forces


A report by the Legal Department of the Headquarters of the Army recognizes the right of the military to be part of "vindictive associations" that do not cover up "a activity sindical o parasindical" y mantiene que el hecho de pertenecer a uno de estos colectivos como miembro o cargo directivo "no puede ser objeto de sanción".

El documento, avanzado hoy por el diario El Mundo y publicado este lunes en su web por la Asociación Unificada de Militares Españoles (AUME), analiza la legislación que regula el derecho de asociación de los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas y llega a la conclusión de que la Constitución, la Ley Orgánica Reguladora del Derecho de Asociación, las Reales Ordenanzas y la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional no excluyen a los militares de "el derecho de asociarse en asociaciones reivindicativas, en tanto no encubran una actividad sindical or parasindical.

Submitted on 4 August to the Operations Division of the General Staff of the Army, the report notes that "every soldier can freely join an association registered in the registers of national and autoonómicos associations and assume leadership roles and representative thereof. "

also says that the fact that an association may have" a component in their statutes protest "does not make unlawful the military involvement in that group and stresses that what they have banned members of the Armed Forces is part of unions, "not to be confused with associations.


note that membership of a member or office manager of an association can not be overturned, "the text to emphasize that" no military "can rely on their partnership" to avoid the application of criminal and disciplinary rules. "

Finally, the document of six pages in length, recalls that" professional associations "are not" recognized "in" the scope of the Armed Forces and those in currently associated with the military can not "enforce" their "condition" because there is no specific law that recognizes them.

therefore maintains that "no authority or control" has the "legal obligation" to give "special and differential treatment" for these military groups, who can not meet in barracks or military installations or "inform the public" within the Forces military.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pregnancy Test With Dots

has formed the Association of Non-commissioned armed forces. Pedro Amador, its president, sent a letter.

From here, support unconditionally to the Association, knowing that their activities will facilitate improvement of the conditions of our community.

We are in luck. A hug.

formal establishment of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces


Is Born, Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces. Entered in the National Registry of Associations: Group: 1 / Section: 1 / N ° National: 593330; with NIF: G43994540

believe we needed a reference, a place to go when requesting information on certain topics. From this need arose a page, which originally was intended to NCOs Earth. (

in its development, we have participated in the three Army NCOs, and this collaboration came the idea of \u200b\u200bASFAS and a new page ( ) plus various initiatives that many already know.


not born as a counterpoint to any association, platform, web, forum, etc. but responds to the need to get a point for the NCO, where we can share concerns, raise needs, identify gaps, propose solutions and get back above encouragement for the future, avoiding the demoralization that spreads in our community.

Our main aim is to put the officer in the rightful place. Promote the prestige of this figure both in the Armed Forces, and the rest of society. Finally, finally, with the figure of Sergeant Arencibia "as associated with our scale and we have done so much damage.

An association can be what its members want. There is an entity that after paying a fee, will solve our problems, but he who thinks this is better to abandon the idea. It is essential for financial and staff of all according to their possibilities. The association can arrange all the partners to propose, you can report anything that they bring, can coordinate our movements but not least, who has to move us.

course, and is fundamental so, we must demand and comply with the law. This is a principle that has moved, and move ASFAS. At this point it is necessary to substantiate the right of association of the military is perfectly legal and legitimate under Constitutional Court of October 31, 2001, states that the military has the right to associate in partnerships protest , while not disguised trade union activity or parasindical (esto último viene perfectamente definido en la sentencia).

Me presento a vosotros como presidente de ASFAS. Tanto los compañeros ya implicados como yo mismo nos hemos dado un plazo para conseguir un reto, acabar con la atonía de nuestro colectivo. Ayudadnos a no perder la esperanza de conseguirlo.

Quiero pediros que tanto si os asociáis como si no, no nos perdáis de vista, todos somos necesarios y todos podemos aportar nuestro granito de arena.

Solo me queda pediros excusas anticipadamente por aquellos errores que vamos a cometer con toda seguridad, y que intentaremos corregir en cuanto seamos conocedores.

Quedo at your disposal,

Pedro Amador Romero, President of ASFAS.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Radiculopathy Social Security

For those of us watching from the other side.

The text that is then published in the forum of the Non-Commissioned Officers Association of the Armed Forces and is written by an Army officer, a regular participant in that forum under the pseudonym of Zapatrans.

From here thank you I have authorized to use his words in this blog.

Sometimes I wonder if worth robbing family time to devote to a cause that many remain oblivious though they are fully involved and they know it. But when I think of the damage we have done, I have very clear that this is the road.

The personnel of ships and barracks, both in Spain and abroad, the complaints are constant and single-issue non-commissioned officers, all on the implementation of the successive laws military career and the damage to our collective. Many comrades despite being in dangerous missions outside the country, more concerned for the moral damage caused by the integration and therefore unfair assessment procedure for promotion to that has brought us the latest law 39/2007, which conditions so difficult that they must endure in many places, at considerable personal risk and away from their loved ones.

The amazing thing about this is that apparently the politicians and military officers who run the Ministry of Defense does not seem to find out what is happening. The grievances are so great So many injustices committed in recent decades, we can find, not in a long time, with scenarios that so far could not imagine.

The back door of the "down psychophysical conditions" is no longer valid, we want to continue or terminate our military career with the same dignity with which we entered the Armed Forces, which was great. The professionalism, love of service, satisfaction of duty and loyalty to the leadership, are among others, the characteristics of the vast majority of NCOs from the beginning of the transition in Spain. The complaints of the former top level are being addressed, too, in large part the official scale, not to mention the preferential treatment being given to the scale of add-although this will have had to change the law. The conditions of the army and navy, though improved, are a constant concern of the various commands of staff.

Therefore, political and military masters in our ministry with responsibility, why do not deal with once the problems of non-commissioned officers of the English Armed Forces?. They know perfectly, I have come resources, rights of petition, personal reports and even in some cases, they have been discussed some general control unit. Again, why do anything, is it that only deserve their neglect and indifference?.

Our fellow Assistant Scale Army, deservedly so, they have returned their income position eighteen years later. Belatedly, they have been compensated for mistakes with their scale, even to retired personnel. Why not respect the laws of income NCOs, Navy and Air affected by different laws?. Economically just effortless. With regard to templates, many lieutenants and brigades and we are fulfilling official missions and even if active promotion, the function does not change. The cap produced in Jobs Brigade Sergeant Sergeant 1 to be solved and the moral, if moral lords, so important to some famous strategists, would return to the levels required of all self-respecting professional army and especially recover the lost dignity.

In the latter law, officer training is reduced to anecdote, just a few comments and the words "technical specialist". Not content with the damage done by previous laws, virtually disappears internal promotion and left in the lurch hundreds, but thousands of graduates and diploma holders or non-commissioned officers who are in college or have aspiration to be a fair race officials.

If applied to everything you need to change the law, change. Agree all political groups, are playing with the future of thousands of men and women who are faithfully serving Spain. We deserve your attention and respect, not condemn us to another decade of frustration and neglect.

I know we read, this is my personal opinion but I'm sure is shared by almost one hundred percent of my classmates. Do not look the other way, know that we're asking is fair, is going to force us to use the last resort?, I hope not. By the way,