Banished Tarquinius Superbus, Gross, supported by the populace, the Republic established in Rome. Power passed into the hands of two consuls, Brutus and Colatino, and the Senate.
king's supporters, unhappy with the reforms, prepared a conspiracy against Gross. It was attended by the consul's children.
those were met at the home of Vitellius to discuss the details of sedition. And a slave who was present it was decided to sue. Detainees
traitors, the lot of the same protocol Gross judge and punish their children. The verdict was guilty, the death penalty and public executions.
lictors stripped naked and proceeded to beat them with sticks, then slaying them with axes until his death. The eyes of the people did not provide for the punishment but the father's face, where feelings were fighting the burden. Gross stood firm until the cries ceased with dignity and rewarded, as was his obligation, the informer with public money, freedom and citizenship.
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