is to go crazy.
This is perhaps waiting to happen if you do not change existing laws.
As I have said on other occasions in this forum: Is that what you expect us to do?, Do you expect us all turn crazy and we go for medical fitness loss?.
Delaying age go to Subject to 61, you're left brigade (not to climb three assessments) or second lieutenant, put you in a position of section chief tactical or logistical demands of men / women 30 years of age limit and are sent by other thirtysomethings (Masters) in what situation you're left with your 58 to 60 years?.
There is a generation gap (or two) between your people and you and the other between your head and you.
're the granddaddy of them all.
course you might have the same age as the Brigadier General or the Head of EM, but he is not sending a section, however much they want to compare, is not the same. We will be coming within the companies. Now Probably not, but when they start to charge the units described personal profile, if it will happen.
And now wonder, is dignified, decent, fair, humane, that the personnel policy is being implemented in the ET we prepare this final race?.
Do you expect us to leave the institution through this door, I suspect we is opening, which is the loss of fitness?
already explained on another occasion, in a group of many thousands of people is normal to have colleagues who have to leave the profession for psychophysical failure. There are cases of a lifetime in the field and in conditions of extreme duress, and that takes its toll. But we will teach the door of the loss of ability to decongest the scale?.
I do not want.
Maybe one day I happen not get me wrong, it is critical to have to go through injury or illness, none are immune to injury or illness, but I do not want to be out "informal" for junior officers .
After 44 years, (joined with 17) I want to go through the front door and want to have a regulatory framework that permits me. And if I have to tell stories of military service to my grandchildren to be with a good memory and a good "taste."
I hope to be able to be so and the fate of not having to go to the fitness loss to retire, that will allow me to enjoy my work and vocation that moved us all to choose the military.
Al Ultimately, I'm just talking about you can make an honorable career.